You already have account?
You can log in using the form below:
- I am a citizen, a patient, a caregiver or a professional on a first visit
I will be able to easily find information on interventions that are actually INMs. I will also be able to provide feedback on usage. If I want to go further, I will be directed to the conditions for accessing all the data and features of the INM Repository.
- I am a healthcare professional wishing to access all INM files
I will be able to find complete information on INM protocols to deepen my knowledge and practices. I will be able to provide feedback on use.
- I am a representative of an authority, institution or organization related to health
If my practice organization is a partner of the NPIS, I will be able to access all the data and functionalities of the INM Repository.
- I would like to submit a proposal for a new INM in the Repository
If my project meets the definition of an INM and if it is sufficiently supported by scientifically conducted studies, I will be directed to a form which will allow me to write the INM file relating to my project.
- I am an expert selected under the INM file validation procedure
If I have received an email from NPIS accrediting me as an Expert in a defined field, I will be able to register to participate in the expert procedure for which I have been requested.